The Planathon: A Behind the Scenes Look at Hosting a Revenue Generating Event Part 2
This is a shift that will enhance focus and clarity for everyone involved. The Planathon is an event specifically designed to help entrepreneurs plan for the upcoming year and avoid being overwhelmed. We know how many choices and options there are in the business...
The Planathon: A Behind the Scenes Look at Hosting a Revenue Generating Event Part 1
We are talking all about how to set up a revenue-generating event for your business. This is going to be a two-part episode, and today, we're kicking things off by taking you behind the scenes of an event very close to my heart – The Planathon. For the past decade...
Official 100th Episode!
🍾 Welcome to the 100th episode of The Right on Time Podcast 🍾 It's a time to celebrate the journey we've embarked on together! And what a journey it has been! Back in 2017, I launched this podcast with a vision of creating a platform for meaningful conversations. Over...
The Truth About Getting Results In Your Business
As I’ve grown my businesses, collaborating with other people who get business has been an integral part of the mix. More importantly, have people who I actually get to do real business with is where real results really start soar. Let me give you an example of what I...
Are You Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With?
You’ve probably heard the classic line from Jim Rohn that you’re the “average of the five people you spend the most time with.” It’s simply the law of averages, and when it comes to business, an inalienable truth. That’s why you see tight knit groups of entrepreneurs...
Are You Leading in Your Business?
Ever heard of the quarter life crisis? I am pretty sure I had one myself, which is part of what led me to run my own business and explore and identify exactly how I wanted my life to go. It's a beautiful thing! Something else I frequently experience is a mid-year...
Running an Online Event :: 2015 Planathon – Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes of Running a Planathon Hosting online events is a great way to draw people into your community and show them what you've got! Like webinars or creating a new download for people to opt in to your community to receive, events give you another chance...
Keep on Driving! [Use this to focus on your goal in 2015]
Even if you are a hyper focused person, you are a busy CEO and have a lot going on in life. It's easy to get sidetracked and derailed when working toward the big goal! SQUIRREL!! 😉 This strategy will help with that! Come take a drive with me! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!! (Read...
4 Business Planning Tools to Make Your Goals Happen in 2015
Are you looking back at your 2014 and starting to make plans for your 2015? I started my reflection and business planning process way back in the middle of November so I got a jump start on this! Now we are mid-way through December and I'm teeing up the resources I'll...
Speaking For Business
I was feelin' a guest post this week and I am so glad to have my girl Chantelle Adams pop in on speaking! So without further adieu... Are you ready to step into the spotlight and spread your message far and wide? Then speaking is definitely in your future! You might...
Ever feel like there isn’t room for your business in a sea full of other same old businesses doing the same old thing as everyone else? Is there room for your business? I was hanging out with some fellow business owners and this exact issue came up – Let’s call this...
Becoming the CEO: A One Year Adventure
Maternity leave is AMAZING! I have been enjoying nothing but snuggles and goofy faces while spending time with my family. I am a mother to three beautiful girls, (who run the world? -thats right Beyonce!) and I am also a CEO. What does it take to become a CEO? Next...

Everything is right on time. Yes, it’s time to start following the dream, the calling, the nudge you have to do something different, right now. The world needs different and the world needs more of you.
In this podcast Amber McCue explores the timing of success and growth. It’s the Right on Time life. It's a new way of living that will bring you more joy, less overwhelm, and show you how to get everything you want in both business and life.

Shenee Howard