Have a personal brand? Don’t forget about this!

Have a personal brand? Don’t forget about this!

Put your face on it. Be more you. Use the words you’d use if you were talking to a friend. Chances are if you have or are starting a business, you’ve heard these things before. You might even have a personal brand. And that’s all good! Brands with a personality are...

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What kind of leader are you?

What kind of leader are you?

Quick! Think of a truly great leader. Now think of a couple more. Maybe you thoughts of historical figures, tech superstars or even your old boss. Now, think of how different each of those leaders are. Not all leaders are created equal and every leader has a different...

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The Realities of Leveling Up as the Leader of Your Biz

The Realities of Leveling Up as the Leader of Your Biz

We all start off the new year in a flurry of excitement as the ball drops and we celebrate just how amazing the coming year will be. Then, reality sets in. Next thing you know, you’re treading water as you work on all those big growth plans and the mythical “leveling...

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Start the New Year Right

Start the New Year Right

Pop the bubbly, it’s time to celebrate. 2016 is here!!!!! As you ring in the new year, are you as excited about all of the possibilities as I am?  New year, new you and big things are on the way! That feeling is 100% normal. But you know what else is normal? That...

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Are you Naughty or Nice? Take the Work Lifestyle Quiz!

Are you Naughty or Nice? Take the Work Lifestyle Quiz!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….between getting out my holiday decorations to a pumpkin chai, I’m getting in the holiday spirit. Especially as we’ve got a fresh group getting set for Freshly Implemented 2016. I’m sure you know exactly how I’m feeling right...

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What Kind of Planner Are You?

What Kind of Planner Are You?

The time to start planning your 2016 is now! But when it comes to planning, people tend to have a particular approach to how they do it. Many people dive in wholeheartedly with their sticky notes and Sharpies ready to go and others stand on the sidelines and wait to...

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The #1 Thing I’ve Learned from the Planathon

The #1 Thing I’ve Learned from the Planathon

It’s busy around here at NiceOps HQ as we get ready for the 2016 Planathon. I’ve been thinking a lot about the past two years and all my lessons learned. Let me tell you, when you’re dealing with an event with 20+ guest stars, 25+ videos and thousands of people...

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Charge Up Your 2016 Goal Setting with These Three Easy Tips

Charge Up Your 2016 Goal Setting with These Three Easy Tips

Knock-knock… Do you hear that? It’s 2016 knocking on your door because it’s right around the corner. You may be thinking “OMG, Amber! It’s only October. I need to get this week handled, I can’t even think about next year yet.” It’s easy to let the goal setting go...

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The Goal Setting Practice You May Be Missing

The Goal Setting Practice You May Be Missing

Goals. Big ones. Small ones. The ones that we’re too scared to speak out loud. So many goals, so little time, am I right? Not all goals are created equal. Most of us are great at setting goals, but then we lose track of things along the way as life and business...

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Everything is right on time. Yes, it’s time to start following the dream, the calling, the nudge you have to do something different, right now. The world needs different and the world needs more of you.

In this podcast Amber McCue explores the timing of success and growth. It’s the Right on Time life. It's a new way of living that will bring you more joy, less overwhelm, and show you how to get everything you want in both business and life.


Shenee Howard