Do you ever feel as though you’re just on a treadmill or spinning your wheels? Like you’re constantly working but don’t seem to be making any solid progress? Hustle for hustle’s sake won’t do anything for you or your business. It’s time to get intentional! Focusing...
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. The most depressing thing you can say to someone is: “You can be anything you want to be.” “Amber!” I hear you saying. “What are you talking about?? That's a wonderful thing to tell someone!” You know, I used to feel the...
Can you still be an entrepreneur if you have a side hustle? Do you need to quit your day job to be considered a “real” entrepreneur?!? These are the questions that we're going to be digging into in the sixth episode of the Modern CEO podcast! “You're not REALLY...
Hey, everyone! I'm back with another episode of the Modern CEO podcast because I made it my goal to keep these episodes coming regularly for you! And since goal-setting is actually one of the topics of today's episode, I'm going to tell you my secret to actually...
How are you at selling? Me? I think I'm pretty good one-on-one – I can either solve your problem or not, and I'm pretty upfront about what I can help with. The tricky thing? Taking those one-on-one sales skills and scaling them! Now THAT is something that I'm still...
During our annual Planathon (make sure you're in our free Facebook group here), I often felt like I was sitting in a room surrounded by a crowd of amazing bad-ass women (and men!) entrepreneurs – so many of them worked with me to share some really awesome tips and...