There’s never been a better time to start your business. The resources available to you are endless. In fact, there are so many resources, one of the most common thing new business owners face is failure to start their business due to overwhelm.  We call it death by overwhelm.  That’s why we put together a 5 module training program for you to help you plan and start your business right.  The tools and strategies you will learn in this simple, 5 part training series will stick with you when you start your business and when your business hits the big time!

What Do Yoga + Flow Have to Do With Business Success?

What Do Yoga + Flow Have to Do With Business Success?

Why Yoga, Flowers, and Flow are Essential to Your Business As both a yoga teacher and a strategic support expert, there is a shocking amount of overlap in the lessons I teach to my students and the advice and services I offer my clients. And applying these yoga...

Community Building Made Nice & Easy :: Behind the Curtain

Community Building Made Nice & Easy :: Behind the Curtain

Have you been following The Yogipreneuer Community Blog Tour? Fun, right?! It is my first official Blog Tour and I am pumped to be on board because we are talking about a very fun topic - Community building. Big thanks to Racheal for organizing this tour and having me...

Grit. “A Significant Predictor of Success”

Grit. “A Significant Predictor of Success”

Grit.  What is Grit? My friend Joanna sent me this super sweet email about the importance of having Grit. She suggested I had a lot of it. Naturally I had to check it out! Watch this Ted talk...(don't worry it is only 6 minutes, and PACKED with goodies that will get...

Did you need a break from your business?

Did you need a break from your business?

Before last month, my husband and I have NEVER been on a trip alone. We married young, we had a baby - and she was so easy we just took her everywhere, he traveled a lot for work, then I traveled a lot for work, and when we weren't on the road for work we just wanted...

5 Steps You Must Take Before You Hire a Business Coach

5 Steps You Must Take Before You Hire a Business Coach

There comes that critical, exciting moment in every person’s life when they decide that after years of waiting, they’re ready to...hire a business coach. Hiring a coach is one of those game-changing decisions you make with your business when you’re ready to take...

What to Makeup + Building a Team Have in Common?

What to Makeup + Building a Team Have in Common?

The most applicable definition of leverage for the way we are talking about it here is: the use of something to its maximum advantage. Leverage sounds like a fancy schmancy business term.  This one, fancy little term can easily be understood and put to work for you in...

Is your Business being Naughty or Nice?

Is your Business being Naughty or Nice?

Making a list, checking it twice... Has your business been naughty or nice this year? It's okay if you've been a little naughty this year - There's a lot to be learned from breaking the rules, even if you are the one making the rules. Tis' the season to reflect and...

How to Get People to Do What You Want

How to Get People to Do What You Want

Ever have a problem getting people to do what you want them to do? Your VA? Your kids? Your husband? I mean serrrrriously - How do they not put the toliet seat down after all these years together? Or randomly tell you how pretty you are? Or ever actually be early to...

Be The Change

Be The Change

Every time I consider this fact I am shocked and horrified.  Today, in 2013 over 27 million people are enslaved. That’s more than in any other time in history and it’s a problem that knows no borders. Here many of us are with the privilege of building an amazingly...