Expecting business growth without a strategic plan is like playing chess without knowing the rules – you might make moves, but winning becomes more about luck than strategy. Let's checkmate uncertainty with a well-thought-out plan. My family has been playing a lot of...
I do not try to reach inbox zero every day or week. I try hard NOT to work in email and let emails prioritize my day, so I don’t even think about cleaning it up every day or week. In addition, instead of cleaning up email, there are other higher-impact activities I...
At the end of every year, I do a few things to declutter my digital world that help me have a clean slate with space to reach my new goals. With multiple businesses, kids in elementary school, middle school, and out of school, and living abroad, I have a lot to juggle...
I am so excited to introduce you to Elizabeth Caran, the visionary owner of Outlander Travel. A full-service travel agency that specializes in crafting extraordinary leisure experiences, as we dive into the remarkable growth of her business and the profound...
Setting yourself up to live your best life in the new year isn’t something reserved for New Year’s Eve — if you want the best chance of reaching your personal and professional goals after the ball drops, you need to start planning much earlier. Think JULY. Well,...
When it comes to hiring, choosing the perfect candidate isn’t the happy ending. It’s actually closer to a great first step. Because after the hiring phase is over, that’s when you need to step up with LEADERSHIP. The How to Clone Yourself process isn’t just about...