Ever feel like there isn’t room for your business in a sea full of other same old businesses doing the same old thing as everyone else? Is there room for your business? I was hanging out with some fellow business owners and this exact issue came up – Let’s call this...
Maternity leave is AMAZING! I have been enjoying nothing but snuggles and goofy faces while spending time with my family. I am a mother to three beautiful girls, (who run the world? -thats right Beyonce!) and I am also a CEO. What does it take to become a CEO? Next...
We are back today with another round of Perfectly Partnered where I get to share some of the successes of my amazing clients. Perfectly Partnered is designed to share their success and demonstrate the power of partnerships in any business, particular with coaches and...
We are starting a new series here on the blog, featuring some of successes of my amazing NiceOps clients. I’m calling it Perfectly Partnered, because the feedback I consistently get from clients is that I’m a strategic partner in their business success, and that truly...
There comes that critical, exciting moment in every person’s life when they decide that after years of waiting, they’re ready to…hire a business coach. Hiring a coach is one of those game-changing decisions you make with your business when you’re ready to take...
Ever have a problem getting people to do what you want them to do? Your VA? Your kids? Your husband? I mean serrrrriously – How do they not put the toliet seat down after all these years together? Or randomly tell you how pretty you are? Or ever actually be...