by Amber McCue | Jan 15, 2019 | Blog, Modern CEO Podcast, Planning
Do you ever wonder why we feel so refreshed and ready to start a project on January 1st? Or, for that matter, on the first of the month or on a Monday? How about after a job change, birthday, or anniversary? Or even after a long weekend? It’s a little thing called the...
by Amber McCue | Jan 8, 2019 | Blog, Family, Growth, Happiness, Modern CEO Podcast
Aaaand we’re back! That’s right, I’m finally settled in my brand new home in Ethiopia! And let me tell you, it’s been quite a year! The past ten months or so have taught me a lot of lessons that are SO important for both life and business, including: The importance of...
by Amber McCue | Oct 1, 2018 | Blog, Client Experience
LAUREN FRITSCH GUEST WRITER Speaker, Strategist and Founder of TCC Consulting Group Lauren Fritsch is a speaker, entrepreneur, artist and mom. Her widely acclaimed mental model, the Joy|Money Matrix, is a simple tool that empowers creative entrepreneurs to uncover new...
by Amber McCue | Sep 20, 2018 | Blog, Marketing
Reina Pomeroy GUEST WRITER Owner and Founder of Reina + Co, the Life + Biz Success Coaching® Reina Pomeroy is the Owner and Founder of Reina + Co, the Life + Biz Success Coaching® Practice for creatives who are right brained and heart centered. She helps clients stop...
by Amber McCue | Sep 13, 2018 | Blog, Marketing, Sell Better
MICHELLE MAZUR, ph.D GUEST WRITER Founder of Communication Rebel Michelle Mazur, Ph.D. is the host of the Rebel Speaker Podcast & the CEO of Communication Rebel where she helps speakers get paid to speak by crafting a message that matters to audiences and to the...
by Amber McCue | Sep 6, 2018 | Blog, Growth, Happiness
KARA-ANNE CHENG GUEST WRITER CEO, The Petite Co Kara-Anne Cheng is a legacy branding coach and website designer for people who want to make their big messages heard and impact others online. Through her blog posts, designs, workshops and products, she’s here to help...