by Amber McCue | Apr 6, 2014 | Business Systems, Client Experience, Client Love, Sell Better
Have you been following The Yogipreneuer Community Blog Tour? Fun, right?! It is my first official Blog Tour and I am pumped to be on board because we are talking about a very fun topic – Community building. Big thanks to Racheal for organizing this tour and...
by Amber McCue | Mar 31, 2014 | Blog, Business Systems, Client Experience, Client Love
What do Lady Gaga, the Pumpkin Plan, and The Wardrobe Code all have in common? They are focused on taking care of their community, particularly their top clients. I got an email from Melissa Cassera about the wild success and the power of Lady Gaga’s community. Her...
by Amber McCue | Jul 29, 2013 | Blog, Client Love, Goal Setting, Life Goals, Money, Sell Better, Start My Business, Team Building
Do you consider yourself lucky? I don't win the lottery very often. Then again, I don't really EXPECT to win the lottery. I don't actually think about it that often. I don't find four leaf clovers on the regular. I don't really look for them that often either. I...
by Amber McCue | Jul 15, 2013 | Blog, Business Planning, Business Systems, Client Experience, Client Love, Goal Setting
Last week were talking about Business Brilliance and the things that self-made millionaires and billionaires do differently than the middle class. In the interview at Project Eve with Business Brilliant author Lewis Schiff (from Inc Magazine), we discussed...
by Amber McCue | Jun 3, 2013 | Blog, Business Planning, Business Systems, Client Experience, Client Love, Freshly Implemented, Goal Setting, Life Goals, Start My Business, Team Building, The Planathon
Vision Stop reading now if your biggest dream is to build a business that replaces your corporate paycheck. Click away from this website if you are interested only in the hustle, getting stuff done, and the money you will make in your business when you do get it all...