by Amber McCue | Jan 8, 2021 | Blog, Right On Time Podcast
Hey, hey, Modern CEO. We have a tendency as humans, really, it's not unique to us as Modern CEOs, we have a tendency to over complicate things. Anybody feel me? Anybody else experience this? Well, one of the things, one of the areas that I wanna help us streamline...
by Amber McCue | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog, Right On Time Podcast
Businesses that have a revenue plan tend to grow three times faster than those that don’t. I know what you’re thinking: “Revenue plan? Does that mean I have to use Excel?” The revenue plan I’m talking about is about more than just inputting numbers into cells. (Okay,...
by Amber McCue | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog, Right On Time Podcast
Sometimes, creating the change you want can feel overwhelming. It can be challenging to figure out exactly how to get from point A to point B — especially if you don’t have a map showing you the way. The #1 way to create change is to get in ACTION. Which means you...
by Amber McCue | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog, Right On Time Podcast
If you find yourself needing to make updates to your plans… know that you are NOT alone! Not by a long shot. We live in a world that has changed RAPIDLY, and many of us are still scrambling to catch up. All of those amazing plans you came up with last year? Chances...
by Amber McCue | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog, Right On Time Podcast
Here is a thought:You don’t have to apologize for being you. I’ll say it again: you do NOT have to apologize for being you! In fact, you shouldn’t. If you’re a person with a big laugh and a big heart and a big personality, that’s fabulous. If you’re quiet and prefer...
by Amber McCue | Nov 24, 2020 | Blog, Right On Time Podcast
How many cars can you drive at once? This isn’t a trick question — the answer is actually one car. (Shocking, I know!) Okay, follow-up question: how many projects are you trying to accomplish right now? If your answer is 1, that’s perfect. If you answered anything...