by Amber McCue | Jan 20, 2015 | Blog, Business Planning, Business Systems, Freshly Implemented, Goal Setting, Life Goals, Make More Work Less, Start My Business, The Planathon, Time Management
Even if you are a hyper focused person, you are a busy CEO and have a lot going on in life. It's easy to get sidetracked and derailed when working toward the big goal! SQUIRREL!! 😉 This strategy will help with that! Come take a drive with me! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!! (Read...
by Amber McCue | Dec 15, 2014 | Blog, Business Planning, The Planathon
Are you looking back at your 2014 and starting to make plans for your 2015? I started my reflection and business planning process way back in the middle of November so I got a jump start on this! Now we are mid-way through December and I'm teeing up the resources I'll...
by Amber McCue | Dec 11, 2014 | Blog, Business Planning, Client Experience, Sell Better, Start My Business
Are you ready to rock out 2015? If you got your plan on with us in the 2015 Planathon, I know you are!! If you’re moving and grooving in your business and really feeling it, you aren’t the only one who sees it. As you build momentum in your business, your clients WILL...
by Amber McCue | Nov 20, 2014 | Blog, Make More Work Less, Make My First Hire, Start My Business, Team Building, Time Management
Today I’m part of the BossLady blog tour organized by Kimberly Riggins to promote the brand new The Bead Effect movement. It brings together 12 BossLadies over 12 days to share their thoughts and views on what it really means to be a BossLady. I'm the last person on...
by Amber McCue | Nov 7, 2014 | Blog, Sell Better, Start My Business
There is no silver bullet when it comes to make a business work or to growing a building business. You know it and I know it. There’s no one thing all business owners should go out and start doing right this very minute because there’s a golden guarantee that this is...