You are DONE with the hustle, the struggle and being shackled to your laptop. You are ready for some of that freedom you were promised when starting this whole business journey, right?

You know it’s time to get some help but you have no clue where to start and to be honest, you are a little scared of handing some of the work off to someone else. Will they do it right? Will it be nothing but trouble?

Get our “Outsource Guide” and learn who to hire first.

Your Magic Bullet to End Email Overload

Happy New Year!! As last year wrapped up, I found myself drowning in email. Have you ever experienced email overload? It is a critical tool to get business done and stay informed, but don’t let it get the better of you! Get yourself set up to manage email better in...

What's your thing? Do that one thing for ultimate success.

  As you grow in your career, business, and life you may find yourself wondering how in the world will I keep up?  There is so much to do --- how will it all get done?    Can you relate?  Ever find yourself trying to do it *all*?  The list is endless...Work,...

Reap the Benefits of Being a Yes-Man (or Women)

Yes-men (and women) get a bad rap.  In the working world the person who says yes all of the time is accused of being another cog in the wheel who blindly follows the way of the leader without considering his or her own purpose or values. From a personal perspective,...

Why You Need to Take a Break + Free Planner Pages for You

I'm going to be completely honest with you. Today's note is going to be quick and action oriented because I am flat out tired from the flood of energy I've had flowing lately. It is all good energy though --- I just returned from an amazing trip to Hawaii where I...

Get More Done in Less Time

Happy Friday, All! Yeah, yeah! I don't know about you, but when the weekend arrives I often find myself wishing I had more time to get a few extra things done before I roll into relaxation mode.  Then I remembered, sometimes you don't need all the time in the world to...

Get the help you need. Stat.

Hey there! Ever feel like you just can't get ahead? Like your sad or overwhelmed all of the time and just need a hand?  Like you'll never be able to step into your dreams because there is too much other nonsense distracting you? Here's the deallio.... There's a simple...

What are you doing right now? Is it a $100 bill?

How many of you spend way to much time on Facebook? ...Twitter? ...Shopping in the app store?  Oh, maybe that's just me? Yes!!! Okay, okay, I’m guilty. I thought of you as I was shopping in the app store for a notebook I could physically write in on my new iPad2.  I...

I Give Up, I Quit, I'm Letting Go! AND I Challenge you to Join Me!

I Give Up, I Quit, I'm Letting Go! AND I Challenge you to Join Me!

Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to this inagural blost post.  As strange as it may seem, I'm kicking off this blog as a quitter! I'm a quiter. I challenge you to be a quitter too!! ***If you are thinking, "but I'm not a quiter," wait, hear me out!*** I'm a quitter...