Do What Scares You

by | Jul 14, 2016 | Blog, Get More Business, Get More Done, Leadership | 4 comments

Day in and day out, we are encountering new things as we grow our businesses.

It can be scary “as all get out” sometimes!

Personally, we are in the middle of scaling our photography business, and I just said to my husband. “I have no idea if this is going to work or not… It’s a little scary because people (team members) are now depending on us.” I don’t want to let them down.

I also still get scared to send emails to my community and post videos and do live streams…

The list of things we will have to do as entrepreneurs that fall under the category of “uncomfortable” is endless.

The question I like to ask is how can I train myself to appreciate and embrace discomfort, so when those fearful moments come up I don’t freeze entirely and get stuck not doing anything at all.

Instead of telling you about this process, I’m going to give you real life example of how my personal challenges of being in a country music video and doing stand-up comedy helped me overcome the fear and keep stepping into it… Even if you don’t laugh at my jokes, I hope you get a good chuckle out of my attempts in this episode.

Now, it's your turn. How can you practice for the scary moments by doing the things that scare you now but have very little risk?

Not only will breaking from your routine prep you for growth in your business, but it will increase the happy in your life.

Don't get me wrong. I love routine and structure, and a rinse and repeat model brings efficiency, but it can also wear on you, and lead us to massive boredom, lack of creativity, and lack of innovation.

Boredom is the scream of unused potential.

Hop off the hamster wheel and tell us in the comments: What scary, unexpected thing are you going to make happen next?

Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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