by Amber McCue | Jun 20, 2017 | Blog, Get More Done, How To, How to Clone Yourself, Leadership, Modern CEO Podcast
Is there anyone out there who doesn't want to get more done in less time?? Yeah, that's what I thought! Well, in episode 7 of the Modern CEO podcast, I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. Wait for it …. I'm going to teach you how to clone yourself! No,...
by Amber McCue | Jun 13, 2017 | Blog, Growth, Modern CEO Podcast, Success
Can you still be an entrepreneur if you have a side hustle? Do you need to quit your day job to be considered a “real” entrepreneur?!? These are the questions that we're going to be digging into in the sixth episode of the Modern CEO podcast! “You're not REALLY...
by Amber McCue | Jun 9, 2017 | Blog, Modern CEO Podcast, Planning, Play Bigger, Success
Hey, everyone! I'm back with another episode of the Modern CEO podcast because I made it my goal to keep these episodes coming regularly for you! And since goal-setting is actually one of the topics of today's episode, I'm going to tell you my secret to actually...
by Amber McCue | May 5, 2017 | Modern CEO Podcast
Today, we’re going to tackle the elephant in the room. In this episode of the Modern CEO podcast, I get down and dirty with a topic that a lot of people don't really like to talk about – money! Studies have shown that people would rather talk about politics and...
by Amber McCue | Apr 20, 2017 | Modern CEO Podcast
Why did you decide that you wanted to start your own business? You were passionate about something – that's a given! But chances are, you were also excited about the opportunities that entrepreneurship can bring you, like the freedoms that you gain when you're not...
by Amber McCue | Apr 20, 2017 | Modern CEO Podcast
I'm so excited to drop episode number TWO of my podcast – let me tell you, it's been a journey to get this baby up and running! If you listened to the first episode, you heard me talk about the internal resistance I felt when I first started working on this project....