What’s your thing? Do that one thing for ultimate success.

  As you grow in your career, business, and life you may find yourself wondering how in the world will I keep up?  There is so much to do — how will it all get done?    Can you relate?  Ever find yourself trying to do it *all*?  The list is...
I Give Up, I Quit, I’m Letting Go! AND I Challenge you to Join Me!

I Give Up, I Quit, I’m Letting Go! AND I Challenge you to Join Me!

Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to this inagural blost post.  As strange as it may seem, I'm kicking off this blog as a quitter! I'm a quiter. I challenge you to be a quitter too!! ***If you are thinking, “but I'm not a quiter,” wait, hear me out!*** I'm...