by Amber McCue | Apr 25, 2022 | Blog, Create Wealth, Growth, How To, Success
Every time I think about starting anything up – a new product or a new business, I find myself equal-parts excited and nervous. The growth part gets me excited. The starting from nothing part makes me nervous. Still, whatever our goal is we all have to start...
by Amber McCue | Jun 29, 2017 | Blog, Get More Done, How To
Today, I want to talk to you about that little thing that always seems to get away from us – our time. We surveyed a large audience before designing our Planathon online course. Since the goal was to help as many entrepreneurs as possible, we wanted to figure out what...
by Amber McCue | Jun 20, 2017 | Blog, Get More Done, How To, How to Clone Yourself, Leadership, Modern CEO Podcast
Is there anyone out there who doesn't want to get more done in less time?? Yeah, that's what I thought! Well, in episode 7 of the Modern CEO podcast, I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. Wait for it …. I'm going to teach you how to clone yourself! No,...
by Amber McCue | Feb 23, 2017 | Blog, Giveaway, How To, Marketing
Five-day challenges are all the rage these days – and I couldn't be happier about it. Challenges are a great way to offer your customers fantastic value and launch your new products with a bang – and you know how much I love that! Full disclosure: master marketer Zach...
by Amber McCue | Feb 15, 2017 | Blog, Get More Business, How To, Marketing
1. Challenges are fun! Challenges create an easy way to create an experience. I’ve been running challenges since 2013 starting with my first ever, Clone Camp. We themed Clone Camp and ran it online like a literal CAMP – I called lights out at the end of each...
by Amber McCue | Feb 9, 2017 | Blog, Get More Done, Growth, How To, Planning, Play Bigger, Success
During our annual Planathon (make sure you're in our free Facebook group here), I often felt like I was sitting in a room surrounded by a crowd of amazing bad-ass women (and men!) entrepreneurs – so many of them worked with me to share some really awesome tips and...