Keep on Driving! [Use this to focus on your goal in 2015]

Keep on Driving! [Use this to focus on your goal in 2015]

Even if you are a hyper focused person, you are a busy CEO and have a lot going on in life.  It's easy to get sidetracked and derailed when working toward the big goal! SQUIRREL!! 😉 This strategy will help with that! Come take a drive with me! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!! (Read...
Are You Drinking the Kool-Aid?

Are You Drinking the Kool-Aid?

These online business circles we run in are small. It’s interconnected. We’re in the same groups. We follow the same “experts” and work with the same coaches. The result of this tangled web is that is just way too easy to be lulled into a group think about how certain...
Baby Steps to Your Big Vision

Baby Steps to Your Big Vision

Last week I was talking to a client about her overall vision and she told me that she doesn’t feel like she has one big vision, but rather many smaller visions. But as we explored that a bit more, it was clear that all these “baby” visions tied back to her big mama...