by Amber McCue | May 14, 2014 | Blog, Business Systems, Client Experience, Client Love, How to Clone Yourself, Life Goals, Make More Work Less, Time Management
Why Yoga, Flowers, and Flow are Essential to Your Business As both a yoga teacher and a strategic support expert, there is a shocking amount of overlap in the lessons I teach to my students and the advice and services I offer my clients. And applying these yoga...
by Amber McCue | Nov 22, 2013 | Blog, Business Planning, Freshly Implemented, How to Clone Yourself, Make My First Hire, Team Building, The Planathon
Ever have a problem getting people to do what you want them to do? Your VA? Your kids? Your husband? I mean serrrrriously – How do they not put the toliet seat down after all these years together? Or randomly tell you how pretty you are? Or ever actually be...
by Amber McCue | Jun 10, 2013 | Blog, How to Clone Yourself, Make More Work Less, Make My First Hire, Team Building, Time Management
Again and again, entrepreneurs I speak with on the topic of outsourcing repeat the same obstacles. Can you relate to any of these:: I am a control freak. I have to find someone that can do it as good as I can first. It is faster to do it myself than it is to train...