The Mindset Needed For Growth And Leadership

by | Jul 3, 2020 | Blog, Growth, Leadership

When you plan, you increase our chances of success. But sometimes planning isn’t enough. As a modern CEO, you should be adaptable, capable of maneuvering, or pivoting as the situation demands. Adaptability is one of the most significant traits that you should embrace and continue to nurture as a leader. This idea of being adaptable is as relevant as ever because of the current state of affairs and the global situation we find ourselves in. In order to navigate these challenges, it takes strong leadership skills and a steadfast mindset!

Even though you have a strong leadership framework, a strong leadership mindset, and strong leadership skills, you can still find something new from our startup toolkit.

The CEO Maturity Map

This framework helps provide clarity, based on the current state of your business. As an entrepreneur, you’re forced to wear a lot of different hats – usually all at the same time. But the hats you wear at the start of your entrepreneurial journey are different than those you wear later on.

I’ve created the CEO Must-Do List & Maturity Map so you can know precisely what stage of business you’re at and what you should be focused on to get to the next level.

    • Start-up Phase – You have a new product but haven't sold anything yet.
    • Ramp-up Phase – You’ve had offers, but have yet to streamline the sales process.
    • Scale-up Phase –  You have consistent sales of your offers, but now you know the limitations of your time, and you've got to bring the team to scale.
    • CEO Up Phase- This is where you need to step back into that leadership role to guide your team and adhere to your vision. This will enable you to run your business for all the reasons that you started it in the first place.


The Four Pillars of a Growth-Oriented Mindset

We're talking about mind growth, because it's not just about mindset, it's about growing into the next-level version of yourself as a leader. These frameworks are designed to help you align with your level of business.

I believe in a big way that small businesses are going to be a key piece of our economic future. In this new normal, the modern CEO is perfectly primed for success, growth, and leadership. So here's looking at you! You're going to need a strong mindset and mind growth to make all that happen.


1. Start Before You Are Ready

The key mindset shift I need you to start to make if you're at that startup level is to forget about being ready. In fact, you should start before you are ready. You're going to learn by stepping right into the action. Yes, you should prepare, but don't get so caught up in the planning and the preparation.


2. Slow Down to Speed Up

By building systemization, you can have repeatability in selling your offer and scaling your business. It might feel like you're taking a step back, but you are creating a strong foundation for your business.

This is a necessary step that's going to allow you to speed up and go bigger, stronger, better, and be more confident in the long run. Once you’ve strengthened your foundation, you will be more capable of succeeding at the next level.



3. Trust and Be Open to New Possibilities

This mindset shift involves trusting and being open to the possibility of what is to come. You might feel stuck at a particular revenue level. You might be questioning if it's time to change everything. You might be wondering if you should just go back and get a job.

It's time to start letting go of some of the control mechanisms. Give yourself some room to breathe by hiring people to take on the excess workload.


4. Free Yourself

The final mindset shift I want to invite you to step into on this journey of entrepreneurship is to free yourself. There's typically a ton of work to be done in the middle and the latter phases of your business. Eventually, your to-do list will look much different than before. The sheer amount of tasks you have to finish might even be overwhelming. But there’s one way to overcome it.

The mindset shift here is to free yourself and release some of the attachment to the things that you've been doing for so long. How come? Well, at this level, you should be delegating some of your tasks. This will give you the time to focus on more pressing matters.


Choosing the Right Mindset for the Situation

I want you to think about the various distinctions between the mindset shifts at each phase of your business. As mentioned before, you must be adaptable. One way to do so is to have an ever-evolving playbook that gives you exactly what you need when you need it. Grab your must-do list today so that you can stay focused on the RIGHT activities that are going to accelerate your business growth.


Want more information and tips? Bookmark and follow Amber on Instagram: @AmberMcCue




Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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