There’s never been a better time to start your business. The resources available to you are endless. In fact, there are so many resources, one of the most common thing new business owners face is failure to start their business due to overwhelm. We call it death by overwhelm. That’s why we put together a 5 module training program for you to help you plan and start your business right. The tools and strategies you will learn in this simple, 5 part training series will stick with you when you start your business and when your business hits the big time!
Get Ahead With 90-Day Planning :: Free Downloadable Planning Template Included
I’ve talked to many people lately who don’t have their business plans fleshed out yet. Either way it is okay! I have just the tool to help you get momentum. Use this tool (now or later in the year when you have a big project) and you’ll jump start your path to...
Your Magic Bullet to End Email Overload
Happy New Year!! As last year wrapped up, I found myself drowning in email. Have you ever experienced email overload? It is a critical tool to get business done and stay informed, but don’t let it get the better of you! Get yourself set up to manage email better in...
How to Decide What Events to Go To + Online Programs to Sign Up For
Hey there! I don't get jealous too-too often, but this week I am feeling a bit down that I am not at an event called World Domination Summit that is taking place in Portland, OR this week. So many of my friends and colleagues are there --- some are even speaking at...
What's your thing? Do that one thing for ultimate success.
As you grow in your career, business, and life you may find yourself wondering how in the world will I keep up? There is so much to do --- how will it all get done? Can you relate? Ever find yourself trying to do it *all*? The list is endless...Work,...
How To Quickly Reset When You've Lost a Piece of Yourself
Confession + Warning: I am fried. My youngest daughter Audrey went down with the flu in the middle of the night last Thursday - no less than six times throwing up. All over me. All over my bed. And right into my purse sitting open next to my bed. Seriously. Sick. ...
Reap the Benefits of Being a Yes-Man (or Women)
Yes-men (and women) get a bad rap. In the working world the person who says yes all of the time is accused of being another cog in the wheel who blindly follows the way of the leader without considering his or her own purpose or values. From a personal perspective,...
Dare to Be Easy: The Difference Between Hard Work and Working Hard
I was trying to think of an interesting and enticing intro to tee up this blog post, but it wasn’t flowing. It was HARD WORK. I probably spent about two hours on it... Went on to write something else, came back, tried again... It just wasn’t happening. The content...
The Most Powerful Weapon Against Beating a Funk + Fear + Being Unhappy + More = Choice
It came to me like an oasis in the dessert: the moment I truly realized I am the master over my feelings. I get to choose. I have power over whether I am happy, sad, b*tchy, or mad. This light-bulb like moment of clarity is one of the pivotal moments I had...
Get Naked With Your Fear + Oprah + Tony Robbins
My amazing friend and biz-partner Joanna recently entered a lottery to go visit Oprah and Tony Robbins live at lifeclass. ...And she got the tickets!! Not only did she get the tickets, but she scored us second row seats! So you know just how close we were, second...
Why You Need to Take a Break + Free Planner Pages for You
I'm going to be completely honest with you. Today's note is going to be quick and action oriented because I am flat out tired from the flood of energy I've had flowing lately. It is all good energy though --- I just returned from an amazing trip to Hawaii where I...