New Client Onboarding + Free Checklist

by | May 19, 2016 | Blog, Client Love, Create Wealth

You won the sale, you closed the deal!!

The hard work is done, right?

WRONG!! 😉 (But I know you know that).

The real fun is just beginning.

To really confirm a client’s decision they made in choosing to work with you, it’s time to wow them through the onboarding process.

What the heck is the client onboarding process?

We are breaking it down in today’s video.

We’ve also prepared a client onboarding checklist for you to get your wheels turning and make sure you don’t miss a beat when you bring on new clients who are ready to sing your praises!

This little strategy I have for you today is not only about you cloning yourself, but it's about you helping your clients clone themselves. Imagine the impact when you're not only multiplying your efforts in getting more of you in the world but when you're also getting more of your clients out into the world.

This little process is called “Onboarding.”

You may have heard of this process when you are starting a new job, you get onboarded to the company, you get onboarded to the team, to the processes, to the systems.

We need to do the same thing when we are working on our client relationships. This applies if you are in a service based business, and you're working one on one with people. This also applies if you're running a course and you are inviting a group of people into a program. Essentially, the onboarding process lets people know the rules of the game and lets people know what to expect, how to engage, how to execute on things. It really sets people up to be super successful.

When onboarding is done right, productivity can increase all around, and everybody can get to a place of being efficient, and they can get to a place of doing the actual work that you're meant to do faster because you're not worrying about all of the administrative details.
You're not sitting there and wondering, “Oh, where do I go to get support on this? This login is not working. How do I get help on that? Can I call them? Is it okay if I call them or should I just email? What do they prefer? How do we work together?”

If you can answer all of those questions about who, what, where, when, and why in the onboarding process, you will be well on your way to a successful working relationship and a successful time together, and everyone will get results faster.

To make sure you are fully prepared to step into and implement this onboarding process with your clients, again, whether it's a service based business, or whether you're running a program where multiple people come in to work with you at one time, we've got an onboarding checklist for you to leverage and to download right below this video.

In the comments let me know, are you already using an onboarding process with your clients?

If so, how is it working?

What tips do you have for us?

If not, let us know how you think this could benefit your business.

I can't wait to see what you have to say in the comments!

See you there.

Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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