You make countless decisions every day.
Whether you should have a cup of coffee in the morning. How you should decide on setting your pricing. Whether to bundle your services or not. Whether to outsource. Whose family to visit for Thanksgiving. Whether to take up yoga or pilates. Whether to have a kid … or another one. Whether to reach for a smoothie or that giant chocolate chip cookie. Where you should go on vacation. How far you should go to lock down that client. What you should have for dinner.
We spend SO MUCH of our time making decisions both big and small! With all of that pressure, it is super easy to fall victim to a dreaded condition — decision-making fatigue!
When you’re dealing with decision-making fatigue, the smallest decisions can seem impossible — even choosing what to make for dinner can bring you to a standstill. Believe me, I’ve been there!
Making a decision isn’t a simple matter of weighing pros and cons (although that’s a good strategy). The truth is, there are a lot of important factors that go into making great decisions, including your mindset, timing, and technique!
In my latest podcast episode, you’ll discover:
- Why you should make your decisions from a place of power, instead of a place of fatigue — and why that is a game changer!
- How to identify when you should hold off on making decisions — and when to go full speed ahead!
- How to develop an amazingly effective decision-making framework that perfectly fits your life and business!
Listen below and make the decision to change your life!
Remember to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher!
04:35 The consequences of decision-making fatigue!
6:30 “It’s okay not to decide right now — that’s a decision, too!”
9:00 “What’s for Dinner?” case study
14:46 If you don’t have an answer, you don’t need to ignore the question
16:56 “You’re slowing down so you can decide to speed up later”
17:22 “Should we move halfway around the world?” case study
22:42 Are your decisions in alignment with what you want and who you want to be?
24:42 The ‘Prioritize Everything’ framework
24:51 “What’s the ‘big kahuna’ thing that you do not want to lose sight of?”
27:28 The importance of values alignment in decision-making for hiring
30:42 “What in the world gets your attention right now?”
32:22 Leave a 20% margin of time for magic to happen!
33:42 You’re full of ideas — should you pursue them all?
24:23 “Keep your eye on your goals as you’re thinking about if you should pursue a business idea”
25:25 Create your own million-dollar parking lot!
Thank you for listening! Want more information and tips? Bookmark ambermccue.com/blog and follow Amber on Instagram: @AmberMcCue
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