Is it Friday Yet?

by | Mar 19, 2012 | New Normal

How many of you fall victim to “is it Friday yet” syndrome?  

You know what I”m talking about…I <3 Monday

It is the question that gets asked all week on the workplace and sometimes even in the home.

It's the day everybody yearns for because it signals the arrival of the weekend. The arrival of freedom. Two full days of “I get to do whatever the f*ck I want.”

Yeah, baby!! 

Or not.  Maybe we shouldn't be so excited about this day called FRIDAY.  What kind of life do we live when we spend the vast majority of them wishing it were not today?

What if I told you I found a way to not wish the days away waiting for Friday?

Life is too sweet. 

What if I told you, come Sunday evening, I look forward to Mondays? 

Believe me? 

What if I told you you can zap “I wish it was Friday” syndrome in less than 7 days? 

Tested and proven by yours truly about a year ago when I returned to the corporate setting after maternity leave.  …Boy was that painful.  But with it came the realization that the days were passing too fast as it was, how could I possibly spend my life wishing it go even faster?  

I decided to make a change that fateful day back in the office when someone said… “Is it Friday yet?”  I thought.  I felt happy to be in the place I was this moment.  I responded.  “No.  And I'm quite not ready for Friday yet either.  There's too much good stuff going on today!”

The reality is that we are the creators of the scripts that unfold in our lives on a daily basis.  Reorienting our days and our focus will help determine whether we spend our days miserable and lost or in pursuit of meaningful experiences that get us to bliss.  

Do these things everyday for your shot at beating “is it Friday yet” syndrome: 

1. Love your current reality.

Find something to love about it 27/7 for the next 7 days.  And if there is something you truly despise (e.g., a report you have to do, someone you have to work with, etc.) come up with a way to make it work.  Outsource it. Do it with a cup of coffee. Make making the relationship work a game.

Do whatever it takes.

This is all you've got – this moment.  This reality.  Today.  Now.  Make it count.  (Boy does that all sound cliche… Do it anyway!!)

When you get off track, repeat to self “I choose how to focus my thoughts.”

2. See the big thing you do not want to happen tomorrow fade away.  

This evening as you wrap up your day think about the one thing you do not want to happen tomorrow.

Then, imagine that thing is a circle and visualize that circle getting smaller and smaller until it ultimately disappears.

Doooo it!

It is gone?

3. Focus on the positive that will happen tomorrow tonight. 

I know I'm getting a little woo-self fulfilling prophecy on you, but you already committed so now you have to try it. 🙂

After you see that one thing you do not want to happen fade into the abyss, think of three things you actually want to happen tomorrow.  See the most important good thing and see it happening in your mind.

When you wake up in the morning tomorrow, see it again and say to yourself “This is going to happen. I make it possible.”

Play with the exact words if you like, but keep the positive momentum for all 7 days.




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I'd love to hear from you in the comments too.  Like, reallllllly love it!

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Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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