Grit. “A Significant Predictor of Success”

by | Mar 21, 2014 | Blog, Client Experience, Goal Setting, Life Goals, Sell Better, Start My Business, Time Management | 5 comments

Grit.  What is Grit?

My friend Joanna sent me this super sweet email about the importance of having Grit. She suggested I had a lot of it. Naturally I had to check it out!

Watch this Ted talk…(don't worry it is only 6 minutes, and PACKED with goodies that will get your mind racing)

Some takeaways from Angela Lee Duckworth:

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future day in and day out, working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is a marathon….not a sprint. 

Talent doesn't make you gritty. Grit is usually unrelated or inversely related to measures of talent.

Growth mindset: Belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, it can change with your effort.

Growth mindset is a great idea for building grit.

We need to take our best ideas and strongest intuitions and test them and measure if we have been successful, we have to be willing to fail…..We need to be gritty!”

Is it just me, or does this whole “Grit” idea not blow your mind and make you wonder?

My girlfriend Joanna was just as curious – “I wonder where that comes from exactly? The speaker acknowledges that there isn't a lot of science behind understanding “grit.” I am wondering where you think your grit comes from?”

As I typed those 4 words into my search box, I felt like a whole new world opened up at my fingertips. I looked up at the clock and a hour has already gone by!

There is so much discussion and curiosity, on “What is Success,” “Is the Secret to Success Failure?,” “How do we teach Grit to our children?,” “What is the true definition of Grit?, “Will having Grit Increase Building Business Success?”

So what do you think about Grit?

Access Your Grit

Let us know how you scored in the comments!!

P.S. My girl Joanna's got grit herself. She's working it in the launch of her new, personal, and highly entertaining blog




Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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