Are You Leading in Your Business?

Are You Leading in Your Business?

Ever heard of the quarter life crisis? I am pretty sure I had one myself, which is part of what led me to run my own business and explore and identify exactly how I wanted my life to go. It's a beautiful thing! Something else I frequently experience is a mid-year...
Keep on Driving! [Use this to focus on your goal in 2015]

Keep on Driving! [Use this to focus on your goal in 2015]

Even if you are a hyper focused person, you are a busy CEO and have a lot going on in life.  It's easy to get sidetracked and derailed when working toward the big goal! SQUIRREL!! 😉 This strategy will help with that! Come take a drive with me! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!! (Read...
Baby Steps to Your Big Vision

Baby Steps to Your Big Vision

Last week I was talking to a client about her overall vision and she told me that she doesn’t feel like she has one big vision, but rather many smaller visions. But as we explored that a bit more, it was clear that all these “baby” visions tied back to her big mama...