by Amber McCue | May 9, 2012 | Life Goals
Confession + Warning: I am fried. My youngest daughter Audrey went down with the flu in the middle of the night last Thursday – no less than six times throwing up. All over me. All over my bed. And right into my purse sitting open next to my bed. Seriously....
by Amber McCue | May 3, 2012 | Business Planning, Business Systems, Life Goals, Start My Business
Yes-men (and women) get a bad rap. In the working world the person who says yes all of the time is accused of being another cog in the wheel who blindly follows the way of the leader without considering his or her own purpose or values. From a personal perspective,...
by Amber McCue | Apr 23, 2012 | Business Planning, Goal Setting, Life Goals, Time Management
I was trying to think of an interesting and enticing intro to tee up this blog post, but it wasn’t flowing. It was HARD WORK. I probably spent about two hours on it… Went on to write something else, came back, tried again… It just wasn’t happening. The...
by Amber McCue | Apr 16, 2012 | Life Goals
It came to me like an oasis in the dessert: the moment I truly realized I am the master over my feelings. I get to choose. I have power over whether I am happy, sad, b*tchy, or mad. This light-bulb like moment of clarity is one of the pivotal moments I had...
by Amber McCue | Apr 10, 2012 | Business Planning, Goal Setting, Life Goals
My amazing friend and biz-partner Joanna recently entered a lottery to go visit Oprah and Tony Robbins live at lifeclass. …And she got the tickets!! Not only did she get the tickets, but she scored us second row seats! So you know just how close we were,...
by Amber McCue | Mar 23, 2012 | Life Goals
Beliefs are the thoughts we hold about ourselves and others. Beliefs shape our expectations. They can hold us back or lift us up. We each, as individuals, get to choose. Success reigns supreme when our beliefs match up with the way we show up. The beliefs we...