2 Countries, 15 Moves & Some Amazing Life Lessons!

by | Jan 8, 2019 | Blog, Family, Growth, Happiness, Modern CEO Podcast | 1 comment

 2 Countries, 15 Moves & Some Amazing Life Lessons!Aaaand we’re back!

That’s right, I’m finally settled in my brand new home in Ethiopia!

And let me tell you, it’s been quite a year!

The past ten months or so have taught me a lot of lessons that are SO important for both life and business, including:

  • The importance of adaptability
  • The virtue of patience
  • The value of making peace with unpredictability
  • How to surrender and BE PRESENT!

The most important lesson that I learned? Ask and you shall receive.

The second most important lesson?  Be careful what you wish for!

We have SO much to catch up on, so let’s get started! Listen to my latest podcast episode to get the details about one of the craziest and most adventurous years of my life!

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or Google Play!


01:02  Tag me in at @ambermccue #modernceo on Instagram & tell me what’s new!

02:25 Freedom & flexibility don’t happen overnight … you have to ask

04:04  Always be ready to pivot — you never know what will happen!

08:35  “Ask and you shall receive”

11:10  Heading into move #13

12:15  “Be careful what you ask for”

19:16  Knocking one off of the bucket list!

20:35  “Be clear on what you want … and be ready to show up”

22:48  Be present & surrender to what is unfolding

Thank you for listening! Want more information and tips (plus a peek behind the scenes)? Follow Amber on Instagram: @AmberMcCue

Hi, I’m amber!

Eternal optimist, lover of dance parties, here to get more of you in the world and help you grow your dream business.

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