Five-day challenges are all the rage these days – and I couldn't be happier about it.
Challenges are a great way to offer your customers fantastic value and launch your new products with a bang – and you know how much I love that!
Full disclosure: master marketer Zach Spuckler from Heart Soul Hustle has been one of my best resources when it comes to planning out my challenges! Zach teaches digital-based businesses how to scale up online, and one of his go-to lessons has been how to plan out AH-MAZING five-day challenges!
Whenever I start to worry that I'm missing something, I know that I can count on Zach to help set me back on the right course with my challenge.
So, what's a 5-day challenge, exactly? A 5-day challenge offers your customers 5 days of free content and ends with an offer of a product or service for sale.
The upside of challenges versus traditional launches? Challenges are low-risk, affordable to do, and take a LOT less planning. (I'm talking WEEKS less – do you know how much stuff you can get done in a week when you're not grinding away on a traditional launch??)
Zach (and a few of his students!) have launched multiple 5-figure, challenge-based launches that take as little as TEN DAYS to plan. That sounds crazy, right?
It can totally be done!
As Zach says – all you need to do is have the right content and the right offer!
Are you ready to start planning the awesome five-day challenges that your customers crave – and that will get you paid?
I'm going to let Zach Spuckler explain his 4-step plan to create your own amazing challenge!
1. Don't call it a challenge. This may seem a little counter-intuitive, but the first step is to stop your challenges by that name. Weird, right? Challenges are exactly what they are, but for the most part, your customers don't want to be challenged. They want to learn, and they want it to be easy and simple. So try to avoid calling your challenge a challenge – instead, focus on the results that you'll be creating for them.
2. Come up with a great idea. With all of the challenges going on on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Periscope etc, you want your challenge to stand out, right? Look at your niche – what are the biggest problems facing your audience right now? What can you do to help solve them?
3. Validate your idea. Before you go through the trouble of planning your challenge, find out if your customers want your help with their problem. You'll do this through your email list or on your favorite social media platform where you have at least 200 followers. Tell your audience that you're thinking of writing a blog post on that topic and ask them what they would most like to know about the topic. If you don't get any comments, then it's probably not worth building a challenge around!
4. Build your offer around what they want. Use the comments and emails you get from the last step to create a challenge and offer combo that really addresses what your audience wants!
Now you know the secret formula to building challenges that your customers crave! So, what are you going to do with it? Are you planning on building your own 5-day challenge this year? Let me know in the comments!
If you want some help creating a free challenge you can flip into a $10K+ launch, Zach's offering a free webinar on February 24 or 25, 2017 to show you how it's done. Click here to save your spot!