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From single, 18-year-old mom to present-day globe-trotting, duel-business-owning entrepreneur, Amber McCue’s on a fiery mission to help business owners kick down the walls of what’s “expected” and create the business that lights them UP – to get MORE done with LESS effort, reach their dreams with less stress and feel like Business Wonder Woman while they’re at it. Not the kind of Wonder Woman who does it all, but the kind who wholeheartedly embraces her vision for her own kind of future and is dedicated to making it a reality.

Yes, Amber is a Business Strategist who studied Organization Development in Johns Hopkins’ MBA program. Maybe more significantly, Amber has kept her businesses running and thriving amongst global moves, chronic migraines, and raising babies. So you know she can help you get your business into shape! 

Focus Forward is a brand-new creation because Amber saw something important that tends to get brushed aside in the pursuit of results – your intentional, strategic plan that defines how you will reach your goals. It's one of those parts we often breeze past while chasing results, but it’s key to creating a business that you run versus it running you.

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